Germaine Greer

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Germaine Greer was born in 1939 Melbourne Victoria. After education at the Star of the Sea Convent in Gardenvale, and then winning a Teacher's College scholarship, Germaine Greer enrolled at Melbourne University in 1956. She graduated with a BA honors from Melbourne University in 1958, an MA with 1st class honors from Sydney in 1963 and the following year she went to Cambridge University in England on a Commonwealth Scholarship. She got a PhD from Cambridge in 1968. The book …

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…topics previously given little commentary or debate. In conjunction with the release in 1999 of The Whole Woman, Lisa Jardine interviewed Germaine Greer (Sunday March 7, 1999) who explained why it's time for women to stop being grateful and start getting angry again.. In the interview Germaine identifies herself as an anarchist: "I'm an anarchist basically. I don't think the future lies in constraining people into doing stuff they are not good at and don't want to do. "