George Washington: The Indespensable Man

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Essay Database > History
George Washington's life is somewhat of a tall-tale of American History that actually occurred in the eighteenth century. He had a very credible military career, which began in the British military, which he eventually retired from, and later he became the leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution. He has also served in the House of Burgesses, creating the tangent from his military career that would later lead him to his presidency of …

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…unanimously voted a second term of four years, he eventually refused to continue with a third term, although he most likely would have been unanimously re-voted to office. Before he left, however, he wrote a farewell address encouraging future presidents and leaders of America not to agree to entangling alliances, or treaties that could possibly later pull America into war, knowing the at the time America was to weak to become engaged in another war.