George W. Bush vs. Al Gore

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Essay Database > Law & Government
There are many things that can be said about the 2000 presidential elections. People, places, thoughts and party lines, never before has the United states been so divided among it's political spectrum. The ascendance of George W. Bush to the presidency is on such prime example of that division. How did such a man become president? One must step back to a year or so before the election and see the process that led him to …

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…Gore who was asking that absentee ballots from Martin and Seminole counties be thrown out. In televised speeches, Al Gore conceded, and George Bush accepted the presidency. On Monday, Dec. 18, The Electoral college representatives met in state capitals and cast votes to select the president. On Saturday Jan. 20, George W. Bush was sworn in as the 43rd president of the United States. The count was 50,456,062 votes for George W. Bush, and 50,996,582 votes for Al Gore.