George W Bush speech "1st person talking"

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On September the 11th, 2001, terrorists left their mark of murder on my country. The attacks that followed -- on Bali, Jakarta, Casablanca, Bombay, Mombassa, Najaf, Jerusalem, Riyadh, Baghdad, Istanbul and Madrid were not dreams. They're part of a global campaign by terrorist networks to intimidate and demoralize all who oppose them. Hello I am George W Bush These terrorists target the innocent, and they kill by the thousands. The greatest threat of our age is …

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…a different course, a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East. We will consistently challenge the enemies of reform and confront the allies of terror. The failure of democracy in Iraq would throw its people back into misery and turn that country over to terrorists who wish to destroy us. Yet democracy will succeed in Iraq, because our will is firm, our word is good, and the Iraqi people will not surrender their freedom