George W Bush and his military service

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Dubya! And the Military <Tab/> On January 20, 2001 George Walker Bush was sworn into the office as the 43rd President of the United States of America. A controversial Presidential election had just concluded that saw bush lose the nation's popular vote to Democratic candidate Vice President Al Gore. Bush won because of the electoral college, a system that allocates a number of "votes" an individual state has proportional to its population. Most …

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…States into the biggest threat to world peace the world has ever know. When the presidential election rolls around in 2004 I urge you to consider this report before you vote. Bush has shown he was willing to cheat for what he wanted in his youth and current day. It is not acceptable to hide the gruesome acts he has condoned behind buzz words like, patriotism, September 11th, and self defense. <Tab/>