George Orwell and William Golding; Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm, two vastly different texts, or are they?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Orwell and Golding use vastly different writing styles, but their message is the same - that mankind is hopeless. Discuss this statement with reference to both "Animal Farm" and "Lord of the Flies". Since the beginning of time man has struggled to comprehend the difference between good and evil. Our ancestors spent their lives looking for truth, yet none could be found. Is there indeed a good of all goods and an evil of all …

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…different, both George Orwell and William Golding show similar views on the human character. Their honest portrayal of humans as we are by nature leaves the reader thoughtful. So, are we then indeed bound for eternal struggle? Are we indeed as hopeless are the authors suggest? That is one question, which will not be answered with the advance in technology or by new scientific discoveries. We are our own judges, but can we trust ourselves?