George, Duke of Saxony

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Essay Database > History
George, Duke of Saxony was one of Martin Luther's greatest opponents. He was the son of Duke Albrect and the Bohemian princess Zedena; he was originally destined for the clergy, which meant he has obtained higher education including Latin. At the age of seventeen he was called upon to govern in place of his father during the latter's absence in the Netherlands, a task that he approached with a sense of high duty, and diligence, …

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…his lifetime he had obtained the canonization of the medieval Bishop Bennoit Meissen to construct a fortification against Luther's influence in his territory. Had ordered the printing of a German version of the New Testament that, although based on Luther's translation, promulgated Catholic teachings, and had been involved in a continuous exchange of controversial writing with Luther. He aspired to reform the church by leaving the papacy intact but finally could not halt Luther's Reformation.