Geopolitics among nations

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Geopolitics is the relationship between the geography among nation states, and the state is an a territory with a sovereign body exercising predominantly within its geographic borders, and occasionally outside of them. Geopolitics can explain volatile relationships between a powerful core state and the states located at the periphery. The people occupying a region identify with the turf as being their land and these individuals or groups will go through great lightens to protect and …

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…of Modelskis long cycle, because of the rise of a multi-polar world. There has been a decline in the US economically and politically, and the military has be reduced due to current budget reductions under the Clinton administration. Countries such as China, North Korea and Japan threaten the current geopolitical position of the US. Since Japan has had the upperhand economically it appears that Japan is a country on the threshold of a geopolitical transition.