Geopolitics, Imperialism & the New World War on Iraq.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
There is much talk today about a "new imperialism" being promoted by financial capital and multinational corporations. To understand this we have to go back for the last few decades, in fact since Second World War where the US assumed out of self interest responsibilities for the welfare of the capitalist system. US and its allies have safeguarded its interest not through conquest but through economic domination. Observers over the decades have called it new …

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… easy. But the will of the people can play a critical role in how far Washington is able to proceed with its imperial ambitions. It is the peoples' voice and public opinion that delayed the plans of US to attack Iraq. For this reason, mobilization of the population both in the United States and abroad in a militant struggle against both war and imperialism is of the utmost importance to the future of humanity.