Geopolitical conflict in French Canada

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Essay Database > History
Strife between the French and British in Canada left the category of warfare long ago, but it is still, historically, the cause of the modern conflict in French Canada. For the past few hundred years, the Quebecois have, culturally, felt like a circle in a country full of squares. Somewhat of a cultural island, they have been squished into a pack of provinces whose mostly (Nunavut excluded) homogenous culture forces Quebec into inferiority. Britain established …

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…cause many lose their passion for the separatist movement. When the economy is good, they forget what's wrong, and when its bad, they must find something to blame. Eventually, the people will recognize this pattern and realize that when Quebec's economy is moving slowly, the cause is not Quebec's lack of being recognized as a "distinctive society" and a separate entity. In the future, the movement will eventually be forgotten and peace will be reached.