Geometry glossary

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Geometry Glossary Acute angle - an angle whose measure is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees; see obtuse angle Adjacent angles - 2 nonstraight and nonzero angles that have a common side in the interior of the angle formed by the noncommon sides Algorithm - a sequence of steps leading to a desired end Alternate exterior angles - exterior angles on alternate sides of the transversal (not on the same parallel line) Alternate interior angles - …

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…form 2 lines Vertical line - a line that goes straight up and down, and whose slope is defined as infinite or undefined View - a drawing of a side of an object Volume - the amount of space a 3-D object can hold Wedge - see sector Zero angle - an angle whose measure is 0. In a zero angle, both the initial and terminal sides are the same. Zero-dimensional - having no dimension; a point