Genre conventions in the treatment of Origins in Great Expectations and Frankenstein

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The definition of Realism in Approaching Prose fiction is 'a style of writing that seeks to convey the impression of accurate recording of an actual way of life in a recognisable time and place' (Approaching Prose Fiction p31). Watt maintains that 'characterization and presentation of background' (The realist novel p219) to be of special importance in this genre. In both Great Expectations and Frankenstein the reader is led to identify with the characters' struggles and …

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…that created the criminal Magwitch when he proved himself industrious and capable following deportation. It is outside influences which take the frightened pip and create the man he would become. It is only by rejecting the values of this society in favour of an inner morality that he becomes the man who narrates his story. It is the realist strength of the characters and backgrounds created that allow us to enter the illusion of reality.