Genocide Today.

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Law & Government
Genocide is distinguishable from all other crimes by the motivation behind it. The motivation behind it is always based upon pure evil and hatred. Because of the United State's clearly established power and military strength, it can be said that they are the nation that has the most power to stop acts of genocide in the future. This is not because of our national interests, but because it is a moral obligation that they took …

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…using their power in global productive ways, not through arrogant and pompous procedures. These procedures can be seen in the overall inaction to prevent genocide. Non-intervention is not only arrogant and pompous, but ignorant. Ignorance is not bliss when humanity is at stake. The United State's ignorance and lack of compassion has cost millions of people their lives. The U.S. would only be slowing down global progression by not actively fighting and deterring genocide.