Genghis Khan. Were his actions justifiable?

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are here today to determine the conclusion of Genghis Khan. The prosecution presents various reasons why my client should be sentence to death, but they did not tell you, the jury, why he did what he did. They also did not even address the positive contribution Genghis has promoted. Genghis Khan's cruel and unusual conduct can be justified from the horrors of his early life. At an early …

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…he was doing anything wrong when he committed these crimes. He was just doing everything he can to help others. Genghis Khan wanted to help others even though he was robbed of common pleasures that I am sure even you, the jury, would give to your own children. As I said before, he established order where he found chaos, connected countless of peoples through trade routes he made, and created laws to benefit his people.