Genetic engineering: a great moral dilemma of our time

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Genetic engineering is one of the great moral dilemmas of our time. More particularly Genetic engineering, but as the scientists like to call it "Genetic Therapy". Genetic therapy can be used to repair genes, treat cancer, germ-line therapy, therapeutic cloning and sport enhancements. GE in the form of 'gene therapy' could be used to repair damaged or replace missing genes in people who have genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, severe combined immunodeficiency etc. Gene …

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…an instrument of the parents' desires. It is not unlikely that children will sue their parents for wrongful genetic selection. Cloning oneself would be egoism made manifest. Furthermore, recreating exact physical copies is not a guarantee that the same individuality will be recreated. Different individualities shape the form and function of their physical bodies according to their needs, inclinations and desires, such that in the course of time these bodies even grow to look different.