Genetic Engineering

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Wekesser 1996). This is not to say that the agricultural industry is booming with the recent production of "super livestock and crops". Inversely, many people disagree with either some forms of gene therapy or all of gene therapy. Gene therapy is very risky and may cause more harm than good. Take the development of nuclear warfare for example. This resulted in a thirty year long cold war between the U.S. and the USSR. In this …

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…Life. October 1999. (October 3, 2001) Skaggs, Betty. Telephone Interview. 8 October 2001 Outline I. Introduction A. General information B. Thesis II. Benefits in Cancer A. T-Cells B. Gene Therapy III. Benefits in Prenatal Gene Therapy IV. Organ Transplants V. Benefits in Agriculture A. Plants B. Livestock VI. Negatives of Genetic Engineering A. Nuclear analogy B. Morals VII. Negatives of Genetic Engineering in Agriculture VIII. Current U.S. Policy A. F.D.A. B. President Clinton XI. Conclusion Appendix I.