Genetic Disorders

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Genetic disorders, affecting many different races and genders, have been around for a very long time. Genetic disorders, usually caused by recessive genes, range from minor traits to conditions that prove fatal. Moreover, disorders often result in multiple abnormalities. Furthermore, skeletal and muscular disorders are often transmitted by a single gene, like achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism characterized by abnormal proportions of the arms, legs and body, results from impaired cartilage growth. Achondroplasia is a …

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…skin is as white as milk. Because of their lack of pigmentation their skin is easily sunburned and their eyes need to be protected from strong sunlight. The gene that causes albinism was discovered in 1990. The defective gene is found on chromosome 11, and results in a deficiency known as tyrosinase. Tyrosinase is necessary for the production of melanin. Screening and prenatal diagnosis have become possible; however, there is no treatment for the correction of albinism.