Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Abnormal Psychology Comparison of Generalized Anxiety Disorder A good way to understand a personality disorder is to compare it to the norm. It allows a person to contrast the differences in the disorder to the average by showing you both sides of the personality. Rather than solely focusing on the disorder, discussing the norm helps people to understand what aspects of the disorder are abnormal and what aspects are found in standard personalities. The personality …

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…all the stresses that seem to follow him wherever he goes. Now when you read the stories one after another it is easy to note the differences in personality. Worries, aches, and an inadequacy of concentration plague Mr. Gad whereas in the other story these characteristics are less prevalent. Rather than just listing the characteristic of Generalized Anxiety disorder, the stories allow you to understand how a person would react in different situations. Bibliography DSM-IV