General essay on Racism

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Essay Database > Literature
Racism is and has been a problem in the United States. It is something that has been interwoven into the nation's history and foundation through slavery and oppression of minorities, but this in no way justifies or excuses it. Racism is, as defined by, "The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them." In the United States, racism, particularly by …

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…the very least reduce) racial discrimination in education and the work place, but it's argued that it is in fact creating further tension between races. Racism is part of the world's history, not just the United State's, and will most likely remain so. Discrimination of a group by another group will probably never end. The best that can be done to prevent this is to teach the future generations and instill in them positive morals.