General Immigration

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > History
Starting from the early 1800's to the mid 1900's, the immigrants came to America for variety of reasons; they faced many hardship and hostility against them from the nativist. When the immigration began (from the early 1800's), come's the majority of immigrants: the Northern and western Europeans, also with small groups of Asians. These mass immigrations were considered the old immigration, while the new immigrations began when the sources of the immigration shifted vastly (1880-1900). …

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…anarchy, etc. Therefore, there were plenty of times when, the government and the people tried to ban the immigrations. In conclusion, the obstacles the immigrants faced were plenty and lasting. Yet, they brought hopes and possibilities to the lives of their children, and their grandchildren. Because of their dreams and hardwork, many childrens are awed by their parents effort for a better life. This couldn't have been done without courage, determination, and will of steel.