General Aviation Marketing and Management Summary Chapter 8

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Alegander T. Wells and Bruce D. Chadbourne To be effective in selling business aircraft, marketers must understand the nature of organization all markets, their unique demand and purchasing characteristics. Business to business marketing is buying and selling goods and services between businesses. Demand patterns in the consumer market differ from demand patters in the organizational market in direct channels, derived demand, and inelastic demand. The buying function in organizations improves profitability and helps maintain a …

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…or dry lease, and fractional ownership. Regarding financing, an attractive low rate, long term financing on u to 100 percent of an aircraft purchase price is essential in marketing aircraft. The present value technique tells the purchaser how much the aircraft will really cost over a predetermined period. Present value is used as the final step in the cash flow statement. The travel analysis will help determine revenue levels sufficient to generate a predetermined profit objective.