Gene-therapy: How will it Change the Future of Genetic Disorders

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Ten years ago researchers from the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Japan and China sat down and began developing the most important map ever made. Instead of roads and landmarks, this was a map of letters. It was "a rough map of the 3 billion letters of genetic instructions that make us who [we] are" ("First"). On Monday, 26 June 2000, the researchers announced that the map of the human genome was complete. On 26 June 2000 the news of …

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…lt; pqdweb?TS=962039714&RQT=309&CC=1&Dtp=1&Did=000000052852013&Mtd=1&Fmt=3 >. Wheeler, David L. "Prospect of Fetal-Gene-Therapy Stimulates High Hopes and Deep Fears." Chronicle of Higher Education. 22 Jan. 1999: A13. ProQuest. 17 June 2000 < pqdweb?TS=962039360&RQT=309&CC=1&Dtp=1&Did=000000038211319&Mtd=1&Fmt=4 >.