Gender bias against Caribbean women during the 1900's.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
GENDER BIAS AGAINST CARIBBEAN WOMEN DURING THE 1900's IMMIGRATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL BIAS Planters did not really wish to have female labourers. Even though they had used so many African women as field labourers under slavery, they changed their views in the post-slavery period. They now argued that women were less efficient labourers than men and that if they hired women, they would have to meet the cost of rearing their children. They reasoned that female …

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…heard. She was instructed and she accepted. Planned marriages were commonplace. If there was property or wealth to be inherited, the males were natural heirs. For instance, it was possible to educate only one child up to university level, the privilege went to the boy, even though a girl may have demonstrated outstanding ability in the early stages of training. The range of possibilities open to mother could be narrowed down to wife and mother.