Gender Roles in "The Tree of Red Stars".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Gender Roles in "The Tree of Red Stars" Researched critcal essay on views of gender in Latin American lit, specifically "The Tree of Red Stars. Includs bibliography. MLA format Gender roles are a major point of interest in modern literature. The way men and women act and interact, as well as their characterizations can set a mood, and era, or give some insight into the novel itself. Authors can choose traditional roles, or allow themselves …

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…a monumental decision, but rather something she was expected to do. In a different culture, with different gender roles, we would see a different relationship between Marco and Magda, and perhaps a different ending. Citiations Bridal, Tessa. Tree of Red Stars. Minneapolis; Milkweed Editions, 1997. Miles, Rosalind. The Fiction of Sex. New York: Harper and Row, 1974. Smith, Paul Julian. The Body Hispanic: Gender and Sexuality in Spanish and Spanish American Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989