Gender Equality-Women's rights

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Women's Rights Women's equality is a major issue in today's world. This is not a new topic though, women have been fighting for equal rights and treatment for years. But the question is: can females handle being treated exactly like males? An article written by Jana Larsen discusses this topic with relation to the military services and being drafted. Another article written by Barbara Ehrenreich also talks about women's equality, but it deals with the …

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…gt;As illustrated in the articles written by Jana Larsen and Barbara Ehrenreich, women's rights and equality is an uprising topic in our world today. Whether women are dealing with the war and being drafted or simply going to bars and drinking, they are trying their level best to not be differentiated among men. While this issue is extremely controversial among many people and groups, women are finding their ways to be heard and recognized.