Ge studies.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Company background From jet engines to TV broadcasting; plastics to power plants, General Electric (GE) is plugged in to most businesses that have shaped the modern world. The company produces aircraft engines, locomotives and other transportation equipment, appliances (kitchen and laundry equipment), lighting, electric distribution and control equipment, generators and turbines, nuclear reactors, medical imaging equipment, and plastics. Its financial arm, which includes commercial finance, consumer finance, equipment management, and insurance businesses, accounts for nearly …

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…their computer screen that update in real time all the important data to help them manage their business. E-Business has improved many jobs like taking sales. They found that the salesperson spend too much time on administrating, expediting orders, arguing over receivables, and finding late shipment. The internet can do all this more efficiently. They increasing the face time salesperson have with their customers, transforming their roles from order takers and expediters to true consultants.