Gay and Lesbians in Australia: legal disadvantages

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Gay men and lesbians have been discriminated against and disadvantaged for a long period of time, mainly through harassment and unfair treatment. This has been due to many factors within the legal system and society. Gay men and lesbians has faced problems in gaining access to legal services due to discrimination, and hence have been quite unsuccessful in pursuing issues of discrimination. This has changed in recent times mainly because of the changing views that …

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…and lesbians the ability to protect their own human rights by taking legal action if they are discriminated against. There is still a long way to go before complete equality and fairness can be experienced by gay men and lesbians. Bibliography * * * Sexuality and Discrimination, Issues in Society, Volume 162 * Daily Telegraph articles * Sydney Morning Herald articles * The Age articles * Canberra Times articles * Courier Mail articles