Gay Marriages...My teacher asked us to write an essay on gay marriages, and if we thought they would be legalized all over the US. Because of the "full faith and credit act" states have...

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American Government Gay Marriages Our Constitution states that our fundamental rights are the right to have an abortion, relatives living with you, contraception, marriage, procreation, and an education. The main problem with gay marriages is under the Constitution you do not have a fundamental right to same-sex marriages. Although the Constitution does not specifically say you cannot marry the same sex, it doesn't say you can, either. The other major problem is that if states …

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…make medical decisions for them in case of emergencies. There are many legal ways for gays to feel married, but they continue to disturb the system so that their point on civil rights is heard. I don't think there will ever be a constitutional amendment legalizing gay marriages because the nation just doesn't have the tax dollars to spend in litigation arising from any such amendment nor the patience to put up with the process.