"Gattaca" shows that even if your resume is in your genes, what you make of your life is up to you. Do you agree?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Gattaca", written and directed by Andrew Niccol, depicts a futuristic world of a cold society, where one's resume exists in their cells and genes. Although genes play a significant part to a successful life in this world, the path and success of one's life is not determined solely on DNA as demonstrated by Eugene, Anton and in particular, Vincent who clearly "exceeds his potential". Vincent Freeman is cast into society's redundant section as being an "…

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…a level where genetic modification has surpassed ethical boundaries. Much of life is now pre-determined which has taken the guesswork out of life, leaving a fairly dull society. However what you make of your life is up to the individual, as shown by Eugene, Anton who fail to meet expectations, and Vincent who exceeds his potential. As Vincent says, "there is no gene for fate", thus life is not fully determined solely on one's DNA.