Gatsby as the Great American Dream

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Gatsby as theGreat American Dream Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby, is based on the dreams of a man named Jay Gatsby. Throughout the novel, it is suggested to the reader that Gatsby is a symbol for America. He represents the possibilities of life on a level at which the material and the spiritual have been confused (Bewley 11). Gatsby's dreams, lifestyle and sense of morality represent an American vision of life at which the reality …

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…Heartless people crush dreams, lifestyles are destroyed by green-eyed monsters, and morals exist in only in those who don't have ambitions. It's what Charles Darwin would call survival of the fittest, or only the strong survive. America, it's a jungle out there. Bibliography Works Cited Bewley, Marius. " Criticism of America". The University of the South, 1954. Burgess, Anthony. "Is America Falling Apart?", The New York Times, 1971. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner Fiction, 1995.