Gateway Drugs-analogy paper that shows how small drugs can lead to use of heavier drugs
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Pages: 2
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Gateway drugs are drugs that often lead to the use of stronger, more addictive drugs. Gateway drugs can be compared to putting a frog directly into boiling water. The frog will jump out because of the extreme heat, but if you put it in cool water and gradually heat the water to boiling, the frog will stay in there until its death. Gateway drugs are similar to the water that is being slowly heated because
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of the pan altogether. We need to make sure that young people are not given the opportunity to experiment with these drugs. Parents need to know who their children's friends are, and where they are at all times, so that the opportunity to use these drugs is dramatically minimized. Many parents do not understand how big of an influence they have on their children. If they did, they would realize that they are the anti-drug.
of the pan altogether. We need to make sure that young people are not given the opportunity to experiment with these drugs. Parents need to know who their children's friends are, and where they are at all times, so that the opportunity to use these drugs is dramatically minimized. Many parents do not understand how big of an influence they have on their children. If they did, they would realize that they are the anti-drug.