Gasoline Prices
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Retail gasoline prices are roughly fifty cents a gallon higher than they were a year ago. The American Petroleum Institute has said that the surge in retail gasoline prices can be justified by a dramatic rise in the cost of crude oil as dealers foresee disruptions in supply in the event of war. Crude oil prices were at thirty-five dollars a barrel, up thirty five percent in the past four months. This increase can also
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fair pricing. Disruption in supply from Iraq could justify the sometimes obscence prices, like El Cajon, CA which was charging $3.19 per gallon of regular unleaded. However, more fortunate retailers, whose suppliers may not be experiencing price increases could, increase their prices for their own benefit. There need to be people watching the gas prices, just as we Americans should all be watching out for each other, and supporting one another in a time of war.
fair pricing. Disruption in supply from Iraq could justify the sometimes obscence prices, like El Cajon, CA which was charging $3.19 per gallon of regular unleaded. However, more fortunate retailers, whose suppliers may not be experiencing price increases could, increase their prices for their own benefit. There need to be people watching the gas prices, just as we Americans should all be watching out for each other, and supporting one another in a time of war.