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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Gangs have been around since forever. Gangs like the Sicilian Mafia have been around since the 1800s. Nowadays though the two most recognized gangs are the Bloods and the Crips. Gangs now have become a true threat to society. Members of gangs are now killing innocent people for fun. Even Females are getting in on the gang action. People today need to familiarize themselves with gang safety procedures in order to protect themselves. Gangs have …

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…Black Guerrilla Family in 1971 (Lander, Miller, and Dee 52). The La Nuestra Familia is a Hispanic gang that was formed within the California prison system in the mid 1960s (Lander, Miller, and Dee 54) In Conclusion, gangs are a very serious matter and we must take it serious because gangs are not just in New York and in California anymore, they are everywhere now so we must protect ourselves from them. Gangs today are a true threat.