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Essay Database > Literature > English
Gambling is one of the popular hobbies which most of people have nowadays. They have spent numerous money on it and enjoyed the excitement of gambling. Yet, by making a close observation, gambling has become their settled tendency. But, for some people, gambling is an irritating enemy- a nightmare. There are many reliable reasons for people to gamble. Lonely individuals try to kill time by gambling. Some people are attracted by humongous payment after winning. …

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…If they are still lacking of money, they may borrow from their gambling companions. More, they may go to rub from neighbors, banks, or even public buildings. For instance, there are tons of teenagers who are arrested by police officers committing crimes due to gambling nowadays. The most serious result is that they rob repeatedly. Overall, gambling causes serious and dreadful problems to our society. Since gambling committing suicide and crimes, people should quit gambling.