'Gallipoli was a turning point in Australia's history' Assess the impact of the ANZAC experience on Australia and Australians since 1915.

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The ANZAC experience that first touched the lives of many Australians in 1915 has continued to have a significant impact throughout the 20th century. As old diggers pass away, their children proudly wear their medals and take their place in the Anzac Day service. The number of visitors to the Australian War Memorial has steadily increased each year as young Australians remember the ANZAC experience. After that fateful day at Gallipoli on the 25th April 1915, Australia …

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…the Australian troops go to defend democracy, it is almost certain that the ANZAC experience will continue to inspire and provide hope for all. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bean C.E.W. Anzac to Amiens Halstead Press Sydney Department of Veterans' Affairs, 2000 "Gallipoli and Australian Identity: 1915 - 2000", Studies of Society and Environment, N/A pp 3 - 18 "East Timor Review" http://www.anzacday.org.au/history/east_timor/overview.html (15 June 2000) Tudball L (ed) 1991 Australian Perspectives Jacaranda Press Brisbane