Gallipoli - Anzac Day

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Essay Database > History > World History
When Australians visit the shores of Gallipoli, where their forefathers landed all those years ago, a spirit entangles them, as they shed a tear. But these tears are not just drops of salty water, they are something much stronger. They are pools of courage, ingenuity, pride, enthusiasm, and above all, mateship. Each pool is a different story, the story of an ANZAC who fought for what he believed was right, regardless of the consequences. But …

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…is no doubt in my mind that the increasing number of youths attending ANZAC Day parades and dawn services indicates the eternal flame will continue to burn within the hearts of Australians forever more. In the words of a previous Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating, "We have gained a legend: a story of bravery and sacrifice and with it a deeper faith in ourselves... and a deeper understanding of what it means to be Australian."