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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
She sensed his discerning presence. She had been expecting him for a while; yet was unsure about the time of his arrival. But he had come, and she surrendered. I remember her before he came- strong and beautiful. Now she was his prisoner and he the prison guard, refusing her liberation. How could he be so cruel, so torturous? The hair he wrenched out of her head used to be a bed of flowing honey. …

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…lingered in the air. Would I be able to live without her? I live in constant fear that he will one day return, not to bring her back, but to take someone else. No one deserves to be taken by him, but it is unenviable. Just as the sun rises at dawn, and sets at dusk, he comes around. The malignancy of his presence will tear out your heart and eat away at your soul.