GLO-BUS - Online Business Simulation Analysis

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
I.<Tab/>The Firm's Objectives <Tab/>A clear strategic plan was set out in the beginning, and adhered to throughout the course of the simulation. Our overall objective was to determine the correct mix and balance of camera components, which enabled the most favorable outcome in the competitive arena. In order to offset the cost structure of the multi-feature camera, a low cost structure for the entry-level …

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…leverage our knowledge of business strategy to plan and react to changes in the market set forth by our competitors, creating a scenario where our organization thrived. Works Cited GLO-BUS, an Online Business Strategy Simulation. Marcus, Alfred A. (2005). Management Strategy: Achieving Sustained Competitive Advantage. McGraw-Hill-Irwin. New York, NY. Walker, Orville C., Harper W. Boyd, Jr., John Mullins, Jean-Claude Larreche. (2003). Marketing Strategy - A Decision-Focused Approach. 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York, NY.