GI anatomy Lesson plan

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Introduction <Tab/>The following lesson plan is written for a class of twenty-five students in the Ninth Grade. The class assignment is designed to attain objectives in Science, namely Human Anatomy and Physiology. Of the 25 students, 8 are immigrants. Five students come from Portugal, two come from Puerto Rico, and one very recently from Brazil. There are seven students who qualify for Individual Education Plans or 504 plans. Two of these students display …

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…motivation or influence that went into their theme park model. References <Tab/>Gardner, H. (1983) Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books. <Tab/>Ormrod, J. (2003) 4th Edition Educational Psychology: Developing Learners. New Jersey: Merril Prentice Hall. <Tab/> . March 2004. <Tab/>