GCSE Coursework:Frankenstein:how does mary shelley manipulate your responce to the characters of Frankenstein and his monster as the story develops?:For this i got a grade A/A*.

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Frankenstein How does Mary Shelley manipulate you response to the characters of Frankenstein and his monster as the story develops? The opening paragraph sets the scene for the story. It does this from the start when it begins with. 'a dreary night in November.' This creates a sense of winter with connotations of coldness, darkness and a time of death. It's also a classic setting for a horror novel. The word 'dreary' I think …

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…book still appeals to a modern audience because prejudice still exists in our society so it's a universal theme. It deals with the danger of scientific advance which is still an issue today for example, genetically modified foods or human cloning. It is a well-written horror story. Horror is still a very popular genre in literature and film with the recent, 'Goosebumps' series for children and popular horror films like the 'Halloween' films and 'Hellraiser'.