GALLIPOLI: Film Review

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GALLIPOLI: Film Review Director:Peter WeirProducers:Patricia Lovell & Executive Producer:Francis O' BrienRobert Stigwood Screenplay:Michael WilliamsonYear of Production:1981 Characters:Archie Hamiltonplayed byMark Lee Frank Dunneplayed byMel Gibson Billyplayed by Snowyplayed by Barneyplayed by Settings: The three settings that were shown in the film Gallipoli were in Western Australia, Egypt and Gallipoli. The first setting in the film was Archie in Western Australia. The earth was red and orange it was really dusty and …

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…that they should have made the scenes in Australia shorter. I don't think they needed to be lost in the desert apart from the fact that they met the camel driver, who expresses his views to wars. The screenplay writer could have made Frank and Archie have a short conversation with someone else who had the same opinions as the camel driver but then they would be able to cut out walking in the desert.