G.C.S.E literature coursework 20th century drama 'Kes' the play by Barry Hines and Allan Stronach.

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G.C.S.E literature coursework 20th century drama 'Kes' the play by Barry Hines and Allan Stronach To John Congratulations, you have been selected to play the role of Jud in the college production of 'Kes'. The play (Kes) is about a fifth teen year old boy called Billy Casper, its about his struggle and troublesome life and his love for a Kestrel. The main characters are Billy, who is a small, skinny fifth …

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…This is what Billy wants to be like. Billy treats the bird with respect and it returns this respect by responding to him. An example of this is, "Its not a pet, Sir, hawks are not pets. Its note tame, its trained that's all. It's fierce and its wild and it's not bothered about anybody. Not even me right, And that's why its great." That is what Billy says to his English teacher, Mr Farthing.