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Essay Database > Science & Technology
In the year 2035, humans discovered secret military bases on Mars. They detected that the Martians were building a huge nuclear rocket, and planned to launch it to earth. The humans sent their popular hero, Captain Smith, to defuse the rocket. Captain Smith and his most brilliant sidekick Steven landed near the secret military base with a few other members of their crew. The sweat hung heavy on Steven's cold features. As they left the ship …

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…in a heap on the floor. From somewhere inside Steven, who had by this time finished disarming the rocket, a great rush of anger burst forth. He took out his laser gun, annihilated the Martian officer, and succeeded in leading the rest of the crew back to the ship safely. When Steven reached earth, he became the new captain, and Earth's new hero, in place of Smith. That is how he became known as Captain.