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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Name: Adrianna Who named you? Mi Mama & Mi Papa What you wished your name was: What's wrong with my name? Gender: T.G.I.F. (Thank God I'm Female!) Glasses or not: yea Birthday: Nov, 27 everyear! WRITE IT DOWN! Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 19 Eye Color: Brown Birthplace: youngstown, ohio (Actually I was born in a hospital. Go figure) Where do you live? duluth, minnesota in a house. …

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showed last 75 words of 1923 total
…I love going to church, and shopping, and speedskating, and softball, and jogging, and dancing... If you hit an animal while driving, what would you do?? Probably have a heart attack. You should've seen me when my brother shot a lizard with his b.b. gun when i was 14. I went upstairs and cried. I really felt horrible. lol What a wimp What is your Marital Status? dating Mild, Medium, Hot or OUCH Salsa? Medium