Frontline... Truth

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Whoever holds the power tries to own the truth". Write a persuasive article in which you explore the above statement in your prescribed and related texts. The manipulation and deviation of a "supposed" truth can often be distorted by the "big guns" of society. Whoever holds the power, in other words, tries to own the truth. Does society allow this ownership of truth to be accomplished, or does it simply defend with obstruction? Influential industry …

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…power, try to own the truth, with "knowledge is power" never being more true. Obstruction is needed as we are constantly presented with statements accepted as truth without question. Camera and other medial techniques were employed to make each Frontline episode a manufactured, yet real, representation of reality. So what is truth? Is it the conformity with fact or reality, a verified proposition, an agreement with a standard or rule? If there's pictures, anything's possible.