Frontier Democracy

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Essay Database > History
Frontier Democracy In many ways America has always been a frontier, from the first pilgrims who settled her untamed shores to the last forty-niner to pack his possessions and head out west. The fact that Americans have created this shining juggernaut of a nation up from a foundation of virgin wilds and expanses shows that she is truly a land of opportunity, and one which was unarguably taken advantage of. The people who lived the …

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…door of opportunity to immigrants who desired a better life in America. The new crop of idealistic leaders which sprouted from the frontier was also instrumental in the creation of the democracy we enjoy in America today. 1 portion excerpted from Jackson Turner Essay chapter IX p. 6 Bibliograpy Essay: The Frontier in American History By: Frederic Jackson Turner Published 1920 The New Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Vol. 6 Pgs. 734-756 Published 1994