From your perspective, what are the two most problematic pitfalls inherent in business information technology?

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From your perspective, what are the two most problematic pitfalls inherent in business information technology? Security is certainly number one in my list for obvious reasons. My company's important and potentially confidential data must remain mine. Initially, copies of important files were transferred to disk or magnetic tape but with the advent of the computer modem and subsequently the Internet, ease of access by unauthorized parties seeking access and information or those out to harm …

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…users and provide examples of what has happened to others who did not adhere to security policies and perhaps show how easy it is for an experienced intruder to gain access so as cause loss or destruction of data, mayhem or mischief. I would have in real world consequences in place for those who did not adhere to company policy that would rival theft of company property and/or violations of EEOC mandates as examples.