From Indentured Servitude to Slavery

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Essay Database > History
Starting from scratch was no easy task for the adventure-seeking puritans that escaped to the new world looking for religious freedom and economic pursuits. Much manual labor needed to be preformed to sustain or even produce a surplus of various crops. The passage over to the new world was expensive and lot all people in England could afford the passage. People sought out individuals that were willing to go and help sustain and enhance colonial …

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…had to endure are gruesome. Slaves and servants that were unable to produce sufficient funds or get an adequate education found them selves entrenched in an endless cycle of servitude. Even though most white settlers in the colonies continued to prosper, it was at the cost of complete immorality. The Utilitarian like puritan society continued to flourish in population, economics, and socialization because of the transformation form a society with slaves to a slave society.