Friendship in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
<Tab/>The famous 20th century American author John Steinbeck dealt with many themes in 1937 when he wrote Of Mice and Men. A recurrent theme in this novel is friendship. During the hard times of the Great Depression, often the only thing a person could count on was friendship. For migrant workers who had to move around to find work, it was hard to develop meaningful friendships or a deep understanding of …

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…who are struggling through life and dealing with some of the same problems as the reader. While it is easier to socialize in our current culture, it is still difficult and rare to come by true, deep friendship. In writing this book, Steinbeck asks us to consider the development of friendships and explore the unique relationship between two friends. He also implies the question of what would have happened had these integral friendships not existed.