"Frida Kahlo Comes To Dinner" by Christine Strickland. Choose a poem that presents a male and/or female in a way that provokes strong emotions in you.

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The poem "Frida Kahlo Comes to Dinner" by Christine Strickland is a compelling poem strongly portraying the female character of Frida Kahlo, famous artist and writer. Strickland's portrayal of Kahlo's personality is reinforced through her successful use of language, imagery, personification and other literary techniques. Strickland manages both to display the flamboyancy of Kahlo's presence while simultaneously provoking the reader's sympathy for her. In the first few lines, Strickland has already delved right into her …

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…well known, is a striking example of a poem portraying a character in a way that provokes emotions in the readers. The poem is unique in that I feel both sympathy and jealousy towards Kahlo after reading about her, Furthermore, the poem has left me reflecting upon my own personality - the fact that Strickland achieves this proves how well the poem has been written and is, in my opinion, a credit to the poet.